Bag Limit Change

Board of Fish changes Chitina PU bag limits

image by: Dean Nichols, The Salmon Hearse

The Chitina Personal Use Dipnet Fishery bag limit was changed at the 2014 Board of Fisheries meeting to 25 fish for head of household plus ten fish for each additional household member. This change brought the Copper River bag limit into alignment with the Kenai Peninsula dipnet fisheries.

The new limit came about because the Chitina Dipnetters Association wrote a proposal to the Board of Fisheries asking them to change the Chitina bag limit from 15 salmon for a single person/30 for a family to the new limit. Under the old limits, supplemental periods allowed permit holders to harvest an additional 10 fish when there were surplus fish available. Supplemental periods were deprecated under the new system.

Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703

A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.