The Chitina Dipnetters Association (CDA) is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to advocate for Alaska residents who utilize the Copper River Chitina Personal Use Dipnet Fishery to supplement their family's annual food supply with fresh salmon.
Advocating for the personal use dipnetters is the CDA's primary purpose.
CDA works to ensure public access is maintained over land or river access.
Your dipnet permit fee pays for the "Three-Ts". All of us use them
Chitina Dipnetters Association depends on you, the people who dipnet at Chitina, for political and financial support. Our Board of Directors is entirely volunteer. They don't even receive a stipend when attending out of town Board of Fish meetings or meeting with legislators in Juneau. But we do have travel expenses and have, in past years, had legal expenses for lawsuits we brought against organizations trying to restrict our rights to access the fishery.
The best way to support the work we do is by becoming a member. Annual membership dues are $20 per calendar year. There isn't a membership card, and even if there was, we haven't organized with anyone to recognize and accept if for discounts or other special treatment. But you can be assured we utilize 100% of dues to further our mission to ensure the Chitina personal use dipnet fishery continues to be viable for every Alaskan wanting to participate in it. All memberships receive one of our high quality CDA stickers.
We also carry a line of Chitina dipnetter hats, t-shirts, hoodies and stickers. Everything is available in our online store.
photo submitted by Julie Veni Bandurovskiy
Become a MemberContact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703
A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.