Rules and Regulations

Basic rules and regulations for dipnetting at Chitina

image by: Dean Nichols, The Salmon Hearse

Permit Requirements

Only legal State of Alaska Residents may participate in the Copper River Personal Use Fishery. This generally means you must have resided in the State of Alaska for at least one year. (

All fishers 18 or older must have a valid State of Alaska sport fishing license for the current year or a senior or disabled veteran license in their possession. Licensing is not required for Alaska residents under 18.

Only one permit per household!

Your household must purchase a $15 Copper River Personal Use dipnet permit. Only one permit is allowed per household but anyone listed on the permit may use it. The dipnet permit is required to be on your person while fishing. Your catch must be immediately recorded on the permit when you’re done fishing. Fishing licenses and dipnet permits must also be on your person while transporting fish caught under personal use.

Fishing licenses and personal use dipnet permits are available at and some sporting goods vendors. The permit fee pays for trash and outhouse services in the fishing areas and maintaining the O’Brien Creek road and the Copper River Highway Right-of-way (CRHR) trail maintenance - dipnetters pay their way! i

All fish must be marked

You must remove both tips from the tail fin of each fish immediately upon landing. See the regulations for more details!

Permits must be filled in each time you fish

Each time you go dipnetting, you must immediately fill out the harvest section of your permit after fishing. The harvest section must be filled out even if you didn’t catch any fish.

Reporting requirements

You must file an online fishing report with the ADF&G before October 15th, even if you did not go fishing or did not catch any fish on your permit. Failure to file a timely report may lead to suspension of your future fishing privileges

All fishing trips must be reported to include the number and species of salmon caught, even if no salmon were caught. These post-season reports are part of ADF&G’s management process for the fishery. If not for accurate and timely post-season reports, management of the fishery will diminished.

Chitina Personal Use Fishery Regulations

What areas are open to fishing?

The Chitina Personal Use dipnet fishery boundaries are restricted to the mainstem Copper River from the downstream edge of the bridge just outside Chitina on the way to McCarthy downstream to a marker about 200 yards upstream of the mouth of Haley Creek to a matching marker on the east side of the Copper River. All tributaries and areas downstream of the markers are closed to personal use dipnetting.

When can you fish?

The dipnet season is available from June 10th until September 30th but fishing may only take place during times and dates proclaimed by ADF&G Emergency Orders. Openings are based on information from the Miles Lake sonar fish counters, health of the commercial run, and pre-season projections of the year’s run. CDA copies and makes the fishing schedule available every six hours.

Allowable gear

Legal fishing gear is a bag shaped net supported on all sides by a rigid frame. No measurement between two points on the frame may exceed 5 feet. The netting bag must be at least 1/2 as deep as the widest measurement across the frame. Other rules apply, but if you purchase a dipnet for either the Chitina or Kenai Peninsula personal use fisheries at Alaskan sporting good retailers, you’ll get a legal dipnet. Pay close attention to the rules if you build your own dipnet or commission a fabricator to build one for you.

Allowable catch

Only salmon may be kept while fishing under your Chitina personal use fishing permit. Steelhead, dolly varden and other non-salmon fish must be returned, unharmed, to the river. It is your responsibility to know the difference between salmon and other types of fish you may find in your net.

What are the bag limits?

Limits are per household. Head of household is allowed 25 salmon. Each additional household member qualifies to add 10 more salmon to the permit. The permit’s bag limit for the household is determined when you apply for the permit, so ensure you have a accurate count of people in your household when applying.

The whole enchilada

The definitive and authoritative source for the Chitina Personal Use Dipnet Fishery is available at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s website:

This link to the regulations is current as of April 4, 2023. Please let the webmaster know if you notice the URL to the regulations changes.

Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703

A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.