Dipnet Fee Utilization

Published April 10, 2018

A new dipnetting season is rapidly approaching and the Chitina Dipnetters Association is hard at work. The $15 dipnet permit fee we supported in the Legislature is in full effect now. Vaulted toilets have been installed at O’Brien Creek and the parking area just above it. Garbage collection is more efficient and timely. Most excitingly, DOT was able to use the money to clear and reconstruct a portion of the O’Brien Creek to Haley Creek trail. That’s something our members have been asking about for years! The work performed last fall improved the trail to mile 4.5. Money rolled over from last year will be spent this spring improving the trail to mile 5.1. DOT anticipates the trail maintenance will allow two side-by-side ATVs to pass each other. Ultimately, DOT says the money will allow them to rebuild the trail all the way to Haley Creek, the downstream dipnetting boundary.

Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703 info@chitinadipnetters.com

A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.