O'Brien Creek trail update

Published December 12, 2019

The Tazlina DOT crew, using monies from the $15 Chitina Personal Use dipnet permit fee, were back at work this October clearing the O’Brien to Haley Creeks trail used by dipnetters to access the Woods Canyon section of the Copper River. They began where they left off (5.2 mile) in the fall of 2018 and, after removing 2 large rock slides, were able to complete another mile of trail repair. The crew hopes to continue work in spring and fall of 2020. Barring any new land slides, work should go quickly up to the landslide at Haley Creek.

Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703 info@chitinadipnetters.com

A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.