This newsletter was originally published on or around February 28, 2025
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft. Wainwright, AK 99703
Chuck Derrick, Pres.
February 28, 2025
Chitina Dipnetters:
Spring is in the air, days are getting longer and happenings of interest to our members are fast approaching. It is a new year and Chitina Dipnetters Association member dues are based on calendar year, so it is time to renew your membership. CDA is an all volunteer non-profit organization. Your dues and CDA apparel sales make it possible for our board to represent Chitina dipnetters at functions concerning Copper River salmon. Examples of these activities are the Prince William Sound/Copper River Alaska Board of Fisheries finfish meeting held in December 2024 in Cordova, AK, (two CDA board members), the 2025 Copper River salmon workshop series held in Copper Center February 27-28 (two CDA board members), and the joint DOT, F&G, CDA March 2025 meeting to discuss plans for the year's use of accumulated Chitina dipnet permit funds. Without a Chitina dipnetter voice, decisions concerning our fishery would be made without our input and the resulting consequences unchallenged. Your $20 annual dues is well worth the protection it affords our fishery.
The Chitina Dipnetters Association (CDA) will be manning a booth at the 2025 Fairbanks Outdoor Show April 25-27 at the Carlson Center. Stop on by and see our selection of new CDA t-shirts, hoodies and hats and find out the latest news concerning the Chitina dipnet fishery. This will be a great opportunity to renew your annual $20 CDA membership in person! As always, we could use help from members to help staff our Outdoor Show booth during the 3 day show. Help will be needed to support our CDA board members during the busiest show times. Please contact Paul Harrell at to select a time slot that fits your schedule. Thank you in advance for volunteering to help!
Finally, the CDA 2025 annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 13, at 6:30pm, 1/2 hour earlier than our normal start time for this meeting, in the Tanana Valley Sportsmans Association building, 1230 TVSA Way, Fairbanks, AK. Doors will open at 6:00pm. It will be a fun night with raffles and a mid-meeting feast of various flavors of smoked salmon (supplied by Alaska Interior Fish Processor/Santa's Smoke House), fruit and veggie trays, dessert and beverages. Fish and Game representatives will be on hand to give updates on the Chitina dipnet fishery, including the 2025 salmon run forecast for the Copper River and a recap of the 2024 harvest and permit data. They can also answer any dipnet fishery questions you may have. DOT personnel will present information on the 2024 use of Chitina dipnet permit funds for the fishery's toilet and garbage contracts and Copper River Highway Right of Way (CRHR) maintenance between O'Brien and Haley Creeks. They will also address the upcoming 2025 plans for fund expenditures, including plans to upgrade the O'Brien Creek bridge and permanent solutions to the native gravesites located within the right of way.
Mark these events on your calendar and I hope to see you there.
Thank You!
Chuck Derrick
Chitina Dipnetters Association
Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703
A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.